Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 4.2

Today Sisyphus solved the puzzle twice.

There was a lady with a purple scarf who kept falling asleep.

It was different with 8 of us at a time.

It was very windy and I leaned against the wind for support.

We got heckled briefly.

There was a man in a blue shirt.

He was joined by this friend. His friend was also in a blue shirt.

Crowd applauded at the end of the cycle.

It was nice.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 3.2

There was a girl in pink who cheered and applauded.

She met a man at the table who was Russian.

Maybe French.

They both applauded.

They talked about how the Sphere was supposed to be a bomb.

I found that funny because I didn't think that.

They shook hands.

Then she left. Then he did.

Two ladies yelled: "You got this one, Sisyphus!"

Then they left.

Sisyphus finished the puzzle.

It was cool. I wanted to high-five him.

Instead I saluted.

Sisyphus was very proud of himself.

You could tell by his song.

Day 3

There was a woman with a dog.

I thought the dog might run onto the red carpet.

It didn't.

There was a woman who fell asleep.

There were two girls.

One drank Fresca. One drank seltzer.

There was a woman with a cane. 

She was here on Wednesday. She might be my mother.

There was a siren when Sisyphus sang. I could hardly hear him.

One old lady asked: "What is this?"

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 2.2

There was a kid with ice cream and maybe his grandmother in pink.

He ate the ice cream.

A rib popped off. We made a circle. It was fixed.

A speaker fell off. We made a circle and left.

A man took a lot of pictures of Persephone.

He got too close.

There were two men cuddling.

There were little girls dancing.

Day 2

There were two men. They were drinking gingerale.

There was a napkin. The Sphere rolled over it.

There was a man who took video.

There was a man who took pictures.

Then he looked at the Photography Center.

Sisyphus had trouble controlling the Sphere.

He couldn't get very far today.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 1.2

There was a woman with blonde hair and burgundy tights.

She stayed the whole day.

Sometimes she paid attention.

Sometimes she was on her phone.

It is interesting to see when people decide to sit down and watch.

There was a pigeon on the red carpet.

It didn't move for awhile.

It was brave.

There was a napkin on the red carpet.

Sisyphus stepped on it.

Sisyphus really likes looking at the crowd and singing to them.

Sisyphus massaged his arms. They must hurt.

The sphere got to 33. I didn't know it went that high.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 0

Sisyphus rolled near me many times. 

I had to step back more frequently today.

I like holding the Step and Repeat because I get to watch Persephone.

Especially while Sisyphus is singing.

It is taking longer to traverse the red carpet. 

I am often crossing backwards or behind to keep the ball centered.

There was one girl who sat with her legs crossed on a chair for a while and watched a couple of cycles.  

It was nice.

People take a lot of pictures with their phones.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013



I am Minion Delta.

This is my blog.

My job is to watch Sisyphus push his sphere.

I work for Persephone.

I am one of eight.

Sometimes I don’t remember things about me.

Sometimes I do.

Ask me anything.